Bristol Pound & CCRI

A belated ‘Happy New Year’ to our followers – this being the first Blog post of 2014.

CCRI are developing closer links with the Bristol Pound (B£), an alternative local currency for the city. A starting point involves a field trip to Bristol Pound offices as part of the module on sustainable food and food security, within University of Gloucestershire’s MSc on ‘Sustainable Environments. The course leader for the MSc is CCRI’s Chris Short, and the teachers for the associated module are Dan Keech and Matt Reed

CCRI is also promoting student internships with the Bristol Pound’s Farmlink initiative. Dan said “an internship would offer hands-on experience of working with a small team in central Bristol in developing and expanding food and agriculture applications for this alternative currency. “Further student inquiries about the internship should be directed at or tel:  Sophia Campbell at Bristol Pound on 0117 929 8642, mentioning the link with CCRI/University of Gloucestershire”.