
Latest news and updates from CCRI.

New Horizon 2020 project begins

CCRI was recently successful in securing around £287,400 EU Horizon 2020 funding as part of a project called SoilCare (SoilCare for profitable and sustainable crop production in Europe). SoilCare aims to identify and evaluate site-specific, soil-improving cropping systems and agronomic techniques that have positive impacts on profitability and sustainability in Europe.

Contested Agronomy 2016

Julie Ingram is presenting a paper at an international conference at the Institute of Development Studies, Sussex University, Brighton, which is taking place on 23rd-26th February. The conference is called "Contested Agronomy: whose agronomy counts?" and is about the battlefields in agricultural research, past and present. Julie’s paper is entitled “Here, we argue that”: contested views of managing soil carbon for mitigation.

CCRI film nominated for award

A film which the CCRI helped to make has been nominated for a Stroud Community TV Award. From over 2,200 films, the public has nominated their best films in seven different categories. Rural Sustainable Drainage – Natural Flood Management in the Stroud Valleys has been nominated as one of the best Green Films of 2015. The film relates to work that the CCRI undertook with Stroud District Council to tackle floods and help wildlife on the streams of the Stroud valleys.

VALERIE team get together for annual meeting in Turin, Italy

Julie Ingram, Pete Gaskell and Jane Mills have been in Turin, Italy, this week attending the annual VALERIE (VALorising European Research for Innovation in agriculturE and forestry) project meeting. The CCRI team convened two sessions for the 6 case study partners.

PEGASUS meeting taking place in Portugal

Janet Dwyer, Chris Short and Katarina Kubinokova are all attending a PEGASUS project meeting in Evora, Portugal, this week. The meeting is timed to showcase the first year’s work and to provide a platform and training for the second year of the project. This EU Horizon 2020 research project aims to investigate the provision of public goods and ecosystem services from agriculture and forestry, aiming to unlock the synergies between economic and environmental benefits for society.

Studentship vacancy

The CCRI/University of Gloucestershire is currently inviting applications for a three year jointly-funded Natural England and University of Gloucestershire research studentship. The title of the research studentship is ‘Exploring the influence of agri-environment schemes on farmers’ longer-term environmental behaviour’. 

‘Natural Flood Management’ – public lecture

Chris Short will be giving a public lecture at the University of Gloucestershire Oxstalls Campus on the subject of natural flood management on Thursday, 25th February. The lecture, which is entitled ‘Natural Flood Management: Letting Nature Do What Nature Does’, is free to attend though you should register your attendance online before the event.

CCRI Winter School 2016

In association with the Royal Geographical Society (the Institute of British Geographers) Rural Geography Research Group and the Rural Services Network, the CCRI hosted another successful postgraduate Winter School at the University of Gloucestershire Park Campus on 13th-14th January, 2016.