Commercial Fishing Social Survey – Information

UK Commercial Fishing Social Survey

About the research  

A robust social dataset is needed to enable policy makers to develop policies and mechanisms that enable long-term social benefits from UK fisheries, a statutory duty set out in the Fisheries Act (2020). Currently social evidence is limited to a few socio-economic indicators, such as gender, nationality, education, and working patterns. There is a lack of data on the socio-cultural impacts of fisheries management, health and wellbeing of fishers. As such, this Defra-funded project, aims to inform development of a national-scale survey of commercial fishers. The vision is to design the survey in a co-produced way, whereby key industry stakeholders have an opportunity to say what they feel needs to be included.   

Before you decide whether to take part in the ‘survey of the survey’, it is important to read the following FAQs so you can make an informed decision about taking part.   

Who are the CCRI?  

The CCRI, within the University of Gloucestershire, is a specialist rural research institute working at the interface of agriculture, society and the environment. Learn more about the institute here: As part of this project, we are also working with partners from Heriot-Watt University and Fishing into the Future.  

Why am I being asked to participate in this ‘survey of the survey’?  

You are being contacted to participate in the ‘survey of the survey’ because you participated in one of our workshops earlier this year or expressed an interest in the project. The ‘survey of the survey’ is an important part of achieving our project objectives and offers an opportunity for feedback on the draft of the Fishermen’s Voice Survey. This will enable us to make suggestions for how it can be improved and developed before potentially being launched.      

If I participate, what is my survey data going to be used for?   

As part of this activity, you will complete the draft Fishermen’s Voice Survey. None of the data you input into the draft survey will be analysed. When you complete this survey (the ‘survey of the survey’) your data will be used to evaluate the draft of the Fishermen’s Voice Survey. The data you input into the ‘survey of the survey’ will be anonymised (any identifiable data – if captured – will be removed or reduced so you are not identifiable from it). The data will then be analysed by the research team. This will then be used by the team to write a short evaluation of the Fishermen’s Voice Survey, which will consider issues such as, the appropriateness of questions and terminology used.  

This report will be sent to Defra and eventually may be made publicly available. We may also publish academic articles using the data. Anonymised data may be kept indefinitely and used for future research.  

The ‘survey of the survey’ is anonymous. We will not ask for your name or any identifiable details, unless you wish to participate in the prize draw. Any personal data (e.g. your name, email address) used will be for the purposes of the prize draw ONLY and will be held both securely and confidentially in line with our GDPR requirements. These details will only be held for the duration of the project (until 31st August 2023) before being securely deleted.   

All data will be stored on encrypted, password protected computers and on the University of Gloucestershire Teams site.   

Do I have to take part?  

No – participation is voluntary. It is entirely up to you whether you decide to participate.   

What are the possible benefits of participation?  

The ‘survey of the survey’ is an important opportunity for industry stakeholders to provide feedback on the draft of the Fishermen’s Voice Survey. This will enable us to make suggestions for how it can be improved and developed before potentially being launched.      

Are there any risks?  

We do not anticipate any risks.  

Although we do our best to take on board all of the suggestions / comments made, it is important to recognise that we may not be able to incorporate all changes or amendments suggested by participants.  

Can I change my mind?  

Yes. You can withdraw from the survey at any point prior to clicking ‘finish’ (by exiting your browser), meaning all your responses will be deleted. Because participation is anonymous, once you have clicked ‘finish’ you will not be able to request your responses are withdrawn from the evaluation. 

Will I remain anonymous if I take part? Will my responses be held confidentially?   

The ‘survey of the survey’ is fully anonymous. We will not ask for your name or any identifiable details to participate, however, if you wish to participate in the prize draw, we will ask for your name and email address. These will not be linked to your ‘survey of the survey’ responses.   

Who has reviewed this research for ethical clearance?  

The research has been granted approval from the University of Gloucestershire Ethics Committee and steps have been taken to ensure the ‘survey of the survey’ (and the wider project) fully complies with the necessary personal data management procedures in place at the University (more info:   

What if I have any questions / concerns?   

Please email the Dr Julie Urquhart ( Alternatively, please contact the University of Gloucestershire Research NSS Ethics Lead (Dr Danielle Stephens-Lewis