Forthcoming Farm Demo Conference – Brussels

An event taking place in Brussels on 21st May concerning on-farm demonstration will have input and representation from CCRI researchers who have been involved in the Horizon 2020 project AgriDemo-F2F.

‘Farm Demo’ is a close collaboration between three European projects, AgriDemo-F2f, PLAID and NEFERTITI, all funded under Horizon 2020. They all aim to enhance peer-to-peer learning and focus on farm demonstrations as a tool to boost innovation uptake. the conference will bring together all farmers, advisors, researchers, policy makers, industries and other actors that want to learn, discuss, share experiences and good practices for organising farm demonstrations with impact.

A farm demonstration event in England

CCRI researchers Julie Ingram and Hannah Chiswell will be at the event where those attending will be able to listen to commercial farmers who have actively been involved with on-farm demonstrations as they share their experiences. Discussions will take place concerning the organisation and future of events and there will also be opportunities to test different tools to ensure that demonstrations are as effective as possible. An agenda for the conference can be viewed on the FarmDemo website.

Regarding the event, Research Fellow Hannah Chiswell said “both Julie and I are looking forward to attending, as it will be an opportunity to share some of the insights that we have discovered during the research phases of the AgriDemo project. These can be shared with the other projects [PLAID and NEFERTITI] from whom we expect to learn a range of things which will complement our findings”.

Attending the conference is free of charge, although registration is necessary and can be easily done via the following link:

FarmDemo has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 727388 PLAID, 728061 Agridemo-F2F and 772705 NEFERTITI