The CCRI worked with Rural Services Network (RSN) and Rural England to conduct a survey in which rural stakeholders were invited to participate to help shape a new agenda for the countryside.

The aim of the survey was to assess the current key concerns for those living in rural areas and aimed to develop an up-to-date agenda for such areas. The survey was particularly prescient given the snap General Election that occurred in June, 2017. It was also the first step in establishing what is intended to become a ‘rural panel’ that will be consulted regularly on issues facing rural England. The aim of the panel will be to provide an authoritative and representative voice for rural areas.

The survey was promoted primarily through Social Media platforms, by both RSN and CCRI. Over 2500 people responded to the online survey, which included significant numbers of people who did not live in rural areas, clearly showing how relevant the matter is to people.

The survey showed that declining healthcare services are the largest concern for rural residents throughout the UK, ahead of public transport, rural housing and rural crime.

At present the CCRI is finalising the report for the RSN, which is due to be completed by early 2018. Further details regarding the rural panel and the finalised report will be made available as soon as possible, however if it is something that you would like to be involved with, please contact CCRI by E-mail: