
View our blog posts.

Glass half-full – reflections on an urban commons

As current IASC President John Powell has been particularly busy at the current international conference in Utrecht. He has not been as prolific as with previous conferences, but has had the opportunity to pen this piece - inspired by a bicycle related altercation he witnessed, about urban commons and how they are (or not) regulated.

(Civil) War on the Commons

John Powell recently visited a common in South Wales which has been the focus of many battles over recent times, but the one that took place while he was there was a little out of the ordinary!

French WWOOFING in the UK

As part of our annual placement student's time here in the CCRI, they are encouraged to develop their skills in whatever way they wish. This year, Eloise Fresnay has been 'WWOOFING' on an Organic farm near Stroud. Eloise has also been keeping a Blog of her activities, and you can read more about them and how she originally began WWOOFING.

The Running Researcher

Research assistant Nick, has been a runner almost as long as he has been with CCRI. The last few months they have become intertwined, and Nick explains how this has happened, and how he feels it helps with the work of the CCRI.

It shouldn’t happen to a Research Assistant

Research Assistant, Nick Lewis has been out and about conducting interviews as part of a review of the new Countryside Stewardship scheme. Read about where he has been and a particularly challenging interview location!

Visit to the midnight sun – PEGASUS team field trip

Recently a team of four from CCRI visited Estonia as part of the Horizon 2020 project 'PEGASUS'. Senior Research Fellow Chris Short has written this blog post about their experiences in the capital city of Tallinn, and beyond.